Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nashua DCYF

The Nashua DCYF are a group all there own, Make no mistake about it they are good at stealing children just to put money in there pocket, I am happy that the lay offs are hitting them hopefully they will start with the supervisors who think they can treat people like crap and accuse them of false alegations. I want the world to know that being a foster parent for DCYF is a big mistake and I will campaign till the earth falls apart to make sure everyone knows what they are in for. You are the worse group of people on this planet made up of lies .Really how do you all sleep at night? And how many more families will you lie to before you stop and think about the damage you cause to innocent people?We will make sure the world knows what you have done to many families. You have threatened many people who have fought against because they stood up for themsevles well keep up the good work it just makes us want to bring justice to the surface even more!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rotten State

I just want to know how people and they know who they are sleep at night! You took children away from the only life they knew for your own benefit just to make yourself look good! You have no intention of keeping a family tie the children you have ,have every right to know who there mother is, Your very selfish and when those children grow up they will know the truth even if I have to wait till they turn 18 and trust me they will not like you very much! Your a very self centered woman and you have hurt many people but why should you care you are heartless! Ihope you can live with yourself knowing you have taken two children from there mother.!

Monday, October 5, 2009


It is a shame that foster Parents have to be lied to and lied about! To move children from the only family they ever knew to a family that cares nothing about the children just there only social standing! Dcyf really needs to be over hauled and cleaned out! It is the most corrupt situation we have ever seen, Why do they care about nothing but the all mighty dollar?? What about the child? They have rights too! We believe the children in some cases should be allowed to have open relationships with there family the deserve to know were they came from. Who are they to think they are God and they are above the law!!